Saturday 30 May 2009

Mister B. Gone.

I've been reading this book lately called 'Mister B Gone' by the amazing Clive Barker. Its a wonderful book about this demon from the medievil times who has been trapped in this book and you hear his story in his own chilling words. Even though he is a demon - i think hes quite lovable. And the way he cares for words - god - i can relate so much with that aspect of the book.

Even if he is a demon.

Heres a paragraph i especially like:

"I'm Jakabok the nobody. As far as you're concerned, Jakabok the invisible.
But you're wrong. You're wrong. I am here.
I'm right here in the page infront of you. I'm staring out the words right now, moving along the lines as your eyes follow them.
You see the blur between the words? That's me moving.
You feel the book shake a little? Come on, don't be a coward.
You felt it. Admit it.
Admit it."

Barker is a genuis as far as I'm concerned. That paragraph is hauntingly true because truly between the lines when you think about it do you see the real meaning? Admit it my friend.

Ripple me something rich

Its half past seven and I'm half past caring.
Theres a place I used to know - dubbed the top of the world
I used to go there just for the wind thrill.
But now it ripples through my changing ways.

I'm failing, falling, stopping, stalling
Baby can't you hear me calling?
Stop it, stop it, come on lets drop this
And then we can find our world again.

Friday 29 May 2009

Its almost time

I've missed them so much <3

This summer - I'll be seeing you around.

Thursday 28 May 2009


There isn't really much to be said for the reel that's spinning round on repeat inside the cortex of my head. The moment leaks between the words you see infront of you, its spinning between the blur that you see as your eyes run over the paper, see it? Yeah, you saw it.

The trees arched over the narrow lane, for some reason it was dark and an eerie mist weaved about 2 feet above the ground. He told us he was going for a walk. How could i be so foolish! I knew he was gone anyway, and I had him back but we all let him go for a walk. Not sure as to why, but my eyes followed the scene as the silloutte wondered down the narrow pathway. Still the black outline haunts my thoughts, its all too real - so surreal. I wanted to say something, I was certain that the perfect words would come - yet they did not.
Headlights were travelling fast, at an unerving speed - a speed that would be illegal in a real world. The fog did not disintergrate, my lips did not move and neither did the figure. He simply stood on his side impriting the image inside my mind. Oh how I wanted to scream for him to move but he didn't. He couldn't.

...then I woke up, time after time again.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Done done done

Im going to stop complaining. If i put something good into life then Ill get it back.

Just one last complain.

For fucks sake.

Macys day parade.

Jackson Rathbone has a new movie coming out soon, and its going to be a good one with that. Personally I'm a huge horror movie fan, and the almighty Clive Barker wrote the books of blood not so long ago. Turns out the fatcats at hollywood have decided to do 'dread.' Totally stoked.
It looks really good - bit gory though.

Also some pictures from New Moon came out the other day, it looks quite good as well. Its a shame all the tweenies are going to ruin it with trying to rape Robert Pattinson again. Poor, poor man. It was really funny the other day I was reading this blog on Perez and he posted this article about Rpatz apparently 'hookling up' with this chic in Cannes, France. I quote "
We just heard the sound of a thousand Twilight fans sharpening their pitchforks for a BITCH HUNT!"

Now that made me lol.

Gonna go catch a bus now, cya.

Tuesday 26 May 2009


There are so many perfect words in this world, but yet, I can't say them to you.


That would be stupid.

Slow one on the red one.

You and Me

And the rain drops in bucket lots of the night that he first came.

She tastes the air all everwhere, like the first time she ever felt insane.
His kiss it smiles pouring for miles along the edges of her jaw.
And now shes stranded for his hand and its all going to him.

Here goes the boy without a face, he's sitting in the wind.
While the girl without a dream contemplates how this all began.
And i ask myself why I can't be simple - care free.
Then one day these paths will cross and drown out the sound of the rain.

And they sit at a tree top that they made when this is all began.
His words fold hers into delicate birds against the mutter of a kiss.
She holds on tight to him at night but its not enough no, to fight the rain.
And the tears he gave only seemed to cave against the mutter of the wind.

Here goes the boy without a face, he's sitting in the wind.
While the girl without a dream contemplates how this all began.
And i ask myself why I can't be simple - care free.
Then one day these paths will cross and drown out the sound of the rain.

"It was meant to be. Just you and me."

Here goes the boy without a face, he's sitting in the wind.
While the girl without a dream contemplates how this all began.
And i ask myself why I can't be simple - care free.
Then one day these paths will cross and drown out the sound of the rain.

True love it was but not enough to save her from the gallows in the night.
He sits alone waiting to go to the holy angels in the sky.
The moon it meets in the empty streets and now they dance in the wind.
His dust her dust tremors just enough to see that love is made again.

Sunday 24 May 2009


Billie Joes on drugs.

Green day ftw.

Beauty and the beast.

Curious child sitting waiting, genuinely contemplating if you've changed,
Or has the beast won?
About a year ago, this situation would have been a passing joke,
Passed to me; oh simply.

Beauty and the beast walk hand in hand,
Fall asleep, they fall asleep, she falls asleep.
Shame the beast has won, now the beautys on the run.
But don't look back, She won't look back, She can't look back.

So she slaps that make up on as his claw etches the bone,
Her shreiks of pain, a mutter in vain spurs him on.
Now oh look! She's at it again!
Twisting venom in the words of friends, as I slowly flee, I don't want the beast to catch me.

Beauty and the beast walk hand in hand,
Fall asleep, they fall asleep, she falls asleep.
Shame the beast has won, now the beautys on the run.
But don't look back, She won't look back, She can't look back.

Now she hardly speaks valid words beyond her teeth,
Fall asleep, they fall asleep, she falls asleep.
That dull look in her eye is just enough to pass the time,
Time moves on, we're moving on, she's moving on.

Those shallow words she tries to confir just to chase through his claw.
A permenant reminder of what once was to her.

Beauty and the beast walk hand in hand,
Fall asleep, they fall asleep, she falls asleep.
Shame the beast has won, now the beautys on the run.
But don't look back, She won't look back, She can't look back.

Now she hardly speaks valid words beyond her teeth,
Fall asleep, they fall asleep, she falls asleep.
That dull look in her eye is just enough to pass the time,
Time moves on, we're moving on, she's moving on.

I apologise for typos. No copyright to the satanic brand of 'disney' - it has no relation to that evil evil mouse.

Friday 22 May 2009

Find me at the bottom of your glass.

Find me at the bottom of your glass.

I watch you from across the bar.
You're sipping on your brandy, ellegance is near too far.
So I sit and watch you, keeping our distance apart.
Ten rounds down leaves a funk in my sound.
Oh baby is this going to far?
Oh honey, this is perfect art?

You crack a good joke just when you need it
You share a sweet smile when its conveniant.
But now we're just two souls stranded out at sea.

I watch you from across the bar.
You're eyeing over some blonde chick, ignorance playing hard.
So I sit and watch you; invisibility serves me far.
And a wreck in my line tells me this is too hard.
Oh baby, you will never see me.
Oh honey, don't take this to heart.

You crack a good joke just when you need it
You share a sweet smile when its conveniant.
But now we're just two souls stranded out at sea.
And I'm the one you'll never see.
You can stare, stare, stare.
And never again will you see my face.
By god I swear.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

You quote a good book

Hayner wants to help people. Cedric wants to kill people.

When the sun sings high in the mid morning sky Hayner reads about the nights sins, and when the moon hangs low in the midnight show Cedric curses the path of the destiny he's supposed to fulfill.

So I'm writing a story about the drawings I do, I haven't got a title but I'm going to go and plan it all :)

Last day tomorow too, I'm going to miss everyone so much!

Sunday 17 May 2009

Portlands Got Talent. :L

I was searching youtube yesterday after having a study break from maths revision, and I found this:


Now I'm not going to go into specifics on how scary this video is but tbh lol. Fair play for trying, but why would you post something like this on the internet? Oh dear.

Leave me a comment with your thoughts - personally I don't think this song will be the same again.

Credit - Nichole337, all rights of song belong to Taylor Swift.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Everything must go...

We found a house with a big yard

And moved all of my things
And most of your things, in
And honey I was proud of it
Honey I was proud of, you

You quote the Good Book,
When it's convenient
But you don't have the sense
No you don't have the sense
To tie your tangled tongue
Instead you're slashing through the mud

Some boxes, that
Hand-me-down couch, and chair
That used to be at your church
We borrowed them from there
A cabinet record player with nothing but James Taylor
Two carpets from the corner store
Cover the hardwood floor
I'd be a fool to ask for more...

You quote the Good Book,
When it's convenient
But you don't have the sense
No you don't have the sense
To tie your tangled tongue
Instead you're slashing through the mud

You quote the Good Book,
When it's convenient
But you don't have the sense
No you don't have the sense
To tie your tangled tongue
Instead you're slashing through the mud

The love you had was good enough
The path that we were stuck between
But so much stuff must go tonight,
Oh Lord, what have I done?

You quote the Good Book,
When it's convenient
But you don't have the sense
No you don't have the sense
To tie your tangled tongue
Instead you're slashing through the mud

For some reason, of that I can't comprehend, a nerve inside my system is hit when this song is played.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page...

Tuesday 12 May 2009


If this is a real then I'm destined to fail.

Oh dear.

Monday 11 May 2009

Best Friends.

There’s a small part of her that has been deteriorating lately; she's not sure why but it's something she’s quick to hide. It’s easier to defend and pretend that this isn't happening; at least that's how he sees it. But can you blame the guy?

It was a soft summer morning when he met her, all it took was a simple glance of her ocean blue eyes to make his heart surrender to the subtle temptation in her stare. To hold her hand would be stupid - but not behind the eyes of the drama production.

He was Romeo, she was Juliet. Everything was perfectly aligned and mercifully hidden between the ballad of Sir Williams tender words of a play. It was easy, too easy to let the guard down. The emotion in the intricacy was left for the final night where the tears were real - real to the fact that it would be impossible for them to be together.

He was sixteen, she was fourteen. He was wise, she was indecisive.

The play ended and thus did the subconscious romance - the subtle brushes of hips, tasteful twining of hands and the heart wrenching glances ended. They had to. At least would it be love without one last good bye? The honey glazed walls could have caved when the amateur theatre emptied out leaving just the two to frolic jokily on the stage. He took her hand - she took his heart and there the world ended. His lips met hers, time stopped - as did all hope for him.

He was in love, she was blind.

How cruel, oh one would say as she got ill and slipped away that little bit each day. "Best friend means he'll pull the trigger, best friend means he'll hold her hand on through the dark." Doctors in white dresses and angels in comatose halos that was all the next two years gave. And it gave grace.

Romance was lost to pills - any chance sold away at the fight for survival. He was eighteen, and she was sixteen. Sweet kiss of life conversed her lips as the presence of fame contorted his hips. He found 'love' and she found 'purpose' and I found sarcasm.

Half way through the line that we speak from now is when they met again: He a man and she a woman. The innocence was lost; it was played to the shadows of night that toyed with the fate of the love these two shared. He found solace in needless women, and she found peace in pretending to love.

Lately a small part of her denial has been dying, and a small part of his patience has been wearing thin. "Best friend means pull the trigger, best friend means I'll trust you with my heart." It was a cold night when it happened, the rain poured hard from the heavens and finally the twig snapped. Grace called upon fate and called upon his fist howling on her door at 2am. Words couldn't describe any of the events, to you and I they would just be words. But to the time and patience of the two it was a bitter sweet kiss from truths lost lips. "Best friend means I'll pull the trigger, best friend died a long time ago darlin'."

A crush of the lips was all it took to seal the deal but it was true:
He loved her and she loved him and that was that.

Saturday 9 May 2009

The verdict.



and i have a virusss, not a computer virus, probably glandular fever. Ahahahahaha.


You know how I do.

"This is a bad idea, oh this is a damn bad idea." The words trembled from your lips in a whisper.

Its summer in mid-town, the trembling sun creeps behind the overcast clouds and the sidewalk waits patiently for a thunderstorm. I am in New York, you are in Chicago. Part of that statement makes my heart tremble, because where this is isn't where either of us are meant to be. I stole your honey, and you drank mine - both far to innocent to see what was directly in front of us. And you know what? Yesterday that wouldn't have mattered but the voices that line the streets scare me now your gone. The thunderstorm strikes commencing the rain to pound down hard onto the cold hard ground outside. On cue the phone rings and your soothing voice calms my tears, but what for?

"For you silly," A smile send shivers down my spine, I'm gonna sleep tonight.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Short story.

Spring lets new romances flourish, the feeling of something new but not for me, oh that has never been the case. It's very easy to slip beneath the cracks in a hormone infested school, and it's very difficult to pull yourself back up. You of all people should know that this is rellevent in both minds right now.

Summer lets the warm taunts from the sun flaunt from many bodies, the hot heat pursing off everyone yelling, "Lets do something reckless." I on the otherhand prefer to sit on the grass and watch the morphed clouds march along singing in tune to the lack of rhythmn in my cage.

Autumn, autumn sets my soul on fire - ignites the shards of glass and leaves behind honey glazed walls around the rim of my cage. Its suffocating to stop it, it's easy to hide it.

Winter lets my feelings erase, like the cold crevasses of the arctic summer, watching you is icy torture but it's something I will endure for a year.

Once whole year, and thats when the moment is spiked over. Watching you together, something I could see happen right before my eyes, I let it happen due to the ignorance I played. Oh the Irony.

But yet, we grow closer, my heart grows warmer and the smile from your other half wears thin - this isn't how I wanted it to play out my dear. The demon growl rages thicker, and soon enough this will all implode. Left behind though, is simply you and I.

Knot your fingers through mine, my dear. I will never let go, and that's a promise I can take to my grave. You see, I've been waiting so long for you, these words have been strapped to my cage so long for you. Laced with honey, attacked with stones, but one thing I am certain is that I love you, and darlin' that is true.

This feeling, oh this feeling is forever.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


My hoodie is in the UK :)

Hell yeah, but Im ill..


There was a frigging snake in my garden this afternoon. I almost died, my mum didnt want to kill it. But i did, naturally. I was so scared though, it was disgusting and brown and pissed off. It bit the broom! Ahhhhh. We need a dog.

Monday 4 May 2009

Time flies.

I can't believe it's been one whole year.

I look back and this sinking feeling seems to have been irrelevant until this day.

I just want you to know I miss you so much, and I know things are easier now - right this moment your probably walking up on those hills with your dogs. I will never forget you because you were such a huge influence on my child hood and theres no way I can thank you for that than being the best I can.

I love you.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Your Not Sorry.

All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around
I’ve been giving out chances everytime and all you do is let me down
And its taking me this long but baby I figured you out
And you think it will be fine again but not this time around

You don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don’t want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I won’t believe you baby like I did before
You’re not sorry no more, no more, no

Lookin’ so innocent
I might believe you if I didn’t know
Could’a loved you all my life
If you hadn’t left me waiting in the cold
And you got your share of secrets
And I’m tired of being last to know
And now you’re asking me to listen
Cuz its worked each time before

But you don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don’t want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I don’t believe you baby like I did before
You’re not sorry no no no noo
You’re not sorry no no no noo

You had me calling for you honey
And it never would’ve gone away no
You use to shine so bright
But I watched our love it fade

So you don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There’s nothing left to beg for
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I won’t believe you baby like I did before

If I could write like that I'd never moan :P

...and my demons share my bed at night.

May Day.

Ah, always a fun occasion but this year was even better. I kept my promise to my mum to not go and drink but it was kind of funny to watch everyone else *cough* Zoe *cough*

I can see now why she doesn't drink.

It was still pretty cool though, hanging out with old friends, making new ones and most importantly it means summer isn't too far away. So I guess thats cool.

Whats scary now is how close the exams are, the ex
ams I am not ready for.

But...things with my mind, erm, well I'm sure now that its true - the one thing i never asked for - its real. That scares the hell out of me because it's something i can't deal with. I can't form the right words to explain.
Oh yeah, i bought a hoodie on friday :) (the one above) it's amazing ennit?

ETA: A dedication to you tomorow...