I think it's time for something new on here; so I've decided to do one blog every week or so on stuff I think that everyone should go and check out.
For a start I've been listening to a lot of music that I had blaring through my ears about three or four years ago. It was around the time when I really got into music and listening to this stuff now - it still sounds are great as it did back then. But theres two albums that are on my top 25 on itunes at the moment.

Also, conveniently, today is the day that Clandestine are releasing the highly anticipated 'Clandy Crunch' line - which is basically a made up breakfast cereal. That companies come along way from the orginal line. One of my favourite hoodies though, has to be said, the most recent 'Valentine' themed. It was made for Pete's kid 'Bronx' and was also the first hoodie in the Jenson series. It also happens to be my favourite.

And finally - anyone that is aware of my love toward horror movies will be aware that lately with the release of 'drag me to hell' its clear there has been decline in good horror movies. In fact, the last time I saw a horror film that genuinely scared me was 'stephen kings IT' and thats one hell of a old movie. Anyway, one of the short novels in the 'books of blood' by clive barker has been made into a film, "Dread." Now, everyone has been bitching on the IMBD boards that its going to be rubbish because its going to be too different. I think not. It's going to be different because the book is only twenty pages long. Personally I think its going to be awesome.

Helen out!
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