Monday, 8 June 2009

Don't trust them.

People aren't into to things that are out of their hands.
Say tomorow, you're walking down the street - heading to wherever it is you need to be, heck, you might not need to be anywhere in particular. Your going to cross the road when you get hit by a car. Theres blood ozzing from your head as you stare dazedly at the surroundings - after the shock sets in people start coming over, some panicking others trying to keep calm. There is nothing you can do - how do you feel?

Are you scared? Are you contemplating the pain running around your broken body? Or are you too deep into shock to realise that this isn't something you can't control?

You can't control something like that - even with minor situations like wathcing a buddy fall to pieces in front of you - you can't control it.

Wheres the brighter side?

It lies within your actions.


  1. Today I learned you can't rely on others; only yourself. I became more aware of that and it's quite sad.
