Sunday, 12 April 2009

Melachonic Happiness

Good morning, Good Evening, Goodnight.

Tis a strange feeling this. I feel like i have been injected with a boost of happiness, i like it, but i hate what its masking. There i go again, the ole pessimism kicking in like an upthrust. You see lately, i have found myself wondering what it would feel like to be in love. I mean properly in love. I hate how the majority of kids my age go round spreading off the 'L' word like theres no tomorow - "Yeah, so er, we've been going out a day i think it's about time I told you how much you mean to me. I luff youuu." Pleh! Go to a dark place, i am talking about an actual metaphoric dark place where it makes you shake thinking of it - and then after getting out of that month peril still carry the same feelings you did before. I mean seriously, sure there are some exceptions but i think to be in love, really in love, it would take more than that :/

Oh dear, there i go offending everyone. Again.

Aha note - im not holding back on the sarcasm today.

Now back to that feeling. I'm not sure if it is love, but i would like to think it is. But i doubt it, nothing that good ever strikes down on me.



  1. I agree with you on this.
    People who claim they're in love with every boy/girl they go out with are taking away the meaning of the phrase 'I Love You'. It's like, killing it. =[
    Makes me angry.

  2. however, you'll know if you love and/or are IN love with someone & it feels so amazing when it's real!
