Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Angels and Agonistics


I don’t really understand people; I doubt I ever really will. Now I mean there are some really good ones, they’re pure, kind and understand when there's a line. But then there are others that simply don’t get that – at all. I think it could be a genetic thing. Some brains have a block that doesn’t allow them to understand bad social situations. I’d like to think that I am one of those people that can understand.

But, I don’t suppose I’ll never know.

If I did know these answers, the answers to everything I would build a time machine. Then I could go back to when things were easier. Maybe scream outside my head and repeat on where things are about to go wrong, then maybe there would be a higher majority that actually understand what to do - So very few that do.

I don’t want to go all Wordsworth on this blog but its times like these when I simply can’t help myself. I mean maybe if everyone had a brain like him, then maybe these little problems we tangle our minds in would simply not exist. We’d all stop and think before acting. And to be honest with the whole acting careers I don’t understand why people are paid to do it, everyone does it all the time. It’s so easy; you can do it without even realising it. It’s called lying.

Back to my friend Wordsworth, he had an interesting way of viewing this world. He thought about it and wrote it down in poetry. Note the word thought. The high tech lives that we live complicate things but that doesn’t mean to say that we have to disintegrate our dignity in the process. Stop and think maybe, then that way cauldrons won’t bubble over?

“You can only blame your problems on the world for so long.”

I don’t think people look into these things properly. In general the world is too busy blaming its problems on the escape goat and at the end of the day there's only one person that it comes down to. Number one. Sure, sometimes actions and words do contribute to something but somewhere down the track something’s gone wrong because no one thinks anymore. Hour after hour I have sat here thinking about this, on how I, myself, am a hypocrite for writing this. I have blamed my problems on many people before, maybe not to word but to thought which is a sin in its own. If you take care for other peoples thoughts and feelings before you act then there is no need for a stage to display yourself on. Things would be easier.

‘I think that it is this kind of thing that separates angels from sinners. ‘

If people thought we wouldn’t be stabbing each other in the street, beating each other up over money, and maybe wars wouldn’t be so brutal. But people don’t think - people act. Its tests like these that shape the human race as a whole, so ask yourself how are you contributing? Chemicals do not run our minds - we do. We hold the steering wheel; a drunk driver is illegal so not thinking could be transposed as doing that inside your head. One day you could kill someone. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Modern day life is selfish, so next time think, because I know I’d rather shape myself up to an angel, wouldn’t you?

I repent.

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