Monday, 31 August 2009
I'm disowning blogger, so sorry but this is more of my 'fun' blog. I need to get serious about stuff - thus growing up to
Go subsribe, that would be really nice you know? And I'm still a noob so the stuff down the side is all french to me. PUN.
Goodbye blogger, and Jac, you best get tumblr :) My american friend
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Where are the tour dates you promised!?
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
This is what summers all about - at least what it used to be all about. Like a simple cauliflower butterfly gliding along the soft warm haze, I have this feeling that I am weightless. Before everything mattered, every thought, every feeling and every moment - but now that doesn't seem rellevent at all.
I was walking along the country lanes of Colwall this morning, call it old fashioned, but as I walked I took in the beautifully crafted houses and the scenery in the area. Its really nice out there and I don't care if I sound old. Most people will know that someday I aspire to move to New York City, hopefully there I will find my dreams in journalism. But being out there kind of makes me realise that what I really want is right here, but I do understand that certain dreams will not be met either way. Sometimes there isn't a true compromise.
Being bought up in a small town I think this will always shape me to want to quieter side of life, heck, its a fate tempter at following my other ambition of being an author but why am I even talking about the future? Oh, subconcious pretentions pulling through here.
Lately though, I feel like I've had a mask on for the last six months - and someones taken it off. Now my friends, I can see in colour - everythings so sharp and new and I feel incredible. I can't quite think as to what has made this happen but its amazing and everywhere I look seems to have a positive side to it. And my friend's...I don't think I've ever known how wonderful they are :) Cheers guys!
Love for you all, but I love Birdo more ;)
Oh and screw typos, grammar freak has left the building.
Monday, 24 August 2009
Don't read this.
Why does this bother me so much? Why does it even matter?
It shouldn't. It couldn't. It doesn't...does it?
Not after all of the promises I have made and all the words I've ironed out with care - that should be decleration for why none of this should bother me. But it fucking does. I shouldn't have even deluded myself into thinking that something like that would be possible...
This is a lesson to everyone - never take anything you have for granted because one day it'll be gone and won't come back.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Eat this.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
"This charade is never going to last, so pick the poison and pour yourself a glass."
Has anyone else noticed the constant timer above my head? It swings in time with my metronome - every second, every swing - its slowly becoming harder to endure. This time last week sugar did not make me feel sick, not in this way at least. It fueled my smile like cocaine except the high was permenant.
I think I've chosen my poison, and its unbearable. I didn't want to write this blog but the more I think the more I worry and the more I worry the more the poison spreads.
Things used to be so simple, didn't they?
Thursday, 20 August 2009
We all start as simple pieces of playdough. Theres so much promise, so much possible - and choices decide what this blank canvas will become.
A work of art? A modern day disaster?

Wednesday, 19 August 2009
The sun, the country, and the er,,,twitter?
The pros and cons of good weather - it makes your makeup run but its generally nice to talk in. Thats all I've got to say as I'm in an odd state of surrealism at the moment. Theres a blue sky above my head, a metronome in my chest and a buzzing smile across my lips. But why?
For a start, I just got tweeted by the lovely elliot minor. But I got a bit confused as to how to thats made today pretty much perfect. This week isn't shaping up to be that bad either, I've been busy every day and each has ended with a smile. A wise friend of mine has showed me the true authenticity of that lately. Smiling is good, much better than moping, although it does make it difficult to sleep when your on a natural high.
I'm going to Colwall tomorow hopefull, so long as my Nan isn't busy. I'm going to pay her a visit for the day which should be nice. I like her house - its in the secluded fields of the countryside where the sheep roam and the clouds are so clear that you city folk wouldn't want to come back. Also it smells like wild flowers this time of year :)
So yeah, see you later hippies.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
You know how I was complaining about lack of gigs yesterday? I repent. Elliot Minor are back in town four weeks sunday :) Oh and they're second album titled 'Solaris' will be out on October 19th, whilst the next single 'Electric High' will be available on October 4th. I like the sounds of October. There I've done my promoting for the band, good arent I?
Alex is in trouble though, he can't sign his own name :P and apparently need a haircut.

Monday, 17 August 2009
Ohmnomnom the blackout :) You americans are lucky this warped tour. Not only did you have these lovely welsh lads screaming up warped but you have You Me At Six as well now! Tis not fair! And then kerrang has to go and put in a warped blog every week about how great it is when no one in the UK can go. (Obviously, unless your willing to pay god knows how much on a plane ticket to wherever.)
I've been watching elliot minor interviews all morning, come to the conclusion that Alex is really posh. Lol.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Friday, 14 August 2009
Tell all your friends..
Today I'm not really sure to write about, because yesterday I was so sure of myself. Now though, I am not, and this scares me. All these songs that I craft my hours around are starting to make more sense - the words echo from their voices like wild fires.
Bloody Hell.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Banana milkshake.
I'm stalking kerrang radio, pahaha. Currently You me at six are playing - i like them a lot. The real reason why I'm doing this is because Elliot Minor's new song is in this show at some point. Dunno when that is though. So I'm listening until it comes on :D
Could be here a while... OH THE USED :D
Hmm, well, anyway I'm also writing my story. I did a banner the other day - two actually - the first one was crap but the second is alright. Posting it though, you'll know what its written about. Its a fanfic, admittedly, but I think it has promise.

Oh um yeah, it says "It sounds crazy to pick between these two...but I had been questioning my sanity for some time." Oh yeaaah! I think it works, and I did it all on paint ftw.
Breep. I think the new song is just coming up after faith no more, so I'm not skipping anymore. Theres only an hour left of the show as well so its not all bad.
Hola tomorow.
Have you ever been in a position when it feels like everyone is unloading the problems of the world on you? Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry or anything that i have people that will come and talk to me about stuff - but sometimes the right thing to do is blatantly infront of us.
Take a look at all the politcal parties for example. They spend the majority of their time sat in the parliment debating things through to work to an agreed outcome. This is because communication is one of the most vital things we naturally have as human beings. Words are so easy to craft and guide into solution makers that this art people forget about.
Talking is good - it unwinds every coil that slowly ties inside us, and it usually solves a problem. It seems like a petty, maybe even, medievil thing to suggest but just because technology has moved on doesn't mean to say that inbasic instincts haven't. No, the have not.
To everyone with a problem right now, talk it out, it may seem like an impossible branch to overcome but its really not. The power of words is incredible. The chances are that everything will get better and the waters of this ocean will calm :)
Friday, 7 August 2009
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Feelin' bored, not entirely actually but I had an idea for a blog. So, in my last post I wrote that clippet thing from my new story that I shall be posting on soon. (You can probably guess whom or what its about.) But since it's the summer I'm putting up a playlist of some stuff you should go check out. Buddies - go do it on your blogs too!
Oh and the story title is in the playlist.
- Solaris - Elliot Minor (solaris digital download 2009)
- It's Hard To Say "I Do" When "I Don't" - Fall Out Boy (Infinty On High Bside 2007)
- Everything Must Go - Taking Back Sunday (New Again 2009)
- Call That A Comeback - You me at Six (Take Off Your Colours 2008)
- Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine - The Killers (Hot Fuss 2004)
- Jesus Of Suburbia - Green Day (American Idiot 2005)
- Holiday - Green Day (American Idiot 2005)
- Read My Mind - The Killers (Sam's Town 2006)
- Always All Ways (Apologies, Glances and Messed Up Chances) - Lostprophets (Liberation Transmission 2006)
- Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies - Biffy Clyo (Puzzle 2007)
- Hate To See You Go - The Color Fred (Bend To Break 2007)
- Tranquilize - The Killers ft. Lou Reed (Sawdust 2007)
- Last Call To NYC - Elliot Minor (Elliot Minor 2008)
- The (Shipped) Gold Standard - Fall out Boy (Folie A Duex 2008)
- Saving My Face - KT Tunstall (Drastic Fantastic 2007?)
- Rusted From The Rain - Billy Talent (III 2009)
- Top Of The World - The Blackout (The Best in Town 2009)
- Long Time Comin' - Taking Back Sunday (New Again [bonus tracks]
- Kiss and tell - You me at Six (Take Off your Colour Delux 2009)
- That Golden Rule - Biffy Clyo (that golden rule single 2009)
Monday, 3 August 2009
This is why we can't have nice things
I've been writing a lot lately, and it's quite lovely to do so. My minds been wondering on other things but this project I'm working on seems to hit everything that I want on the head. Although, this clippet I'm not sure whether to put in. See, this isn't a POV story - its third person, because usually that's far more easier to write in. I have this moment though, it's like an insight to my main characters mind. Somehow I want to place this in, but I'm going to pop it on here for now.
Part of me stung though, as I watched his wirey lips contort into a worried crooked smile. It irritated me that after all this time he was finally wording the perfect things I had always wanted him to say. Time after time, oh how I had practically screamed inside my head.
"He's not the only choice for you, you know," He murmured, drawing his blue eyes to the floor.
I pursed down on my bottom lip as the perfect words were waiting to seep at the, oh so, imperfect time.
"Before, when you said that you wanted me..." He trailed off before grasping his line of stare to mine, "You know that I'm no good for you." He said in a clear statement.
"Then, what do we have to talk about then?" I asked defensively.
The first time he had painfully rejected me was bad enough, I could feel part of the stitches forcing at the seams as his eyes challenged mine.
"However difficult that is to deny, I never said that I didn't want you either." He said softly.
My heart stumbled in my chest, at some point in that simple sentance it had leaped into the pit of my throat. I could remove my stare from his as my eyes widened involentry. Of all the the times to do this...
"I guess, seeing you with him makes me realise how much I do want you - and simply I can't stay away from you anymore." he paused and furrowed his brow seriously, "All I am saying is that you have more than one choice here." He finished before wrapping a crooked smile around his mouth.
Part of me wanted to run, run as far as this land would take me - or at least until I passed out. My heart beat was irregular as his smile continued to hand in with his words and confuse me. It would be so easy to give in, to let the sting of honey to flow freely around my chest but it was tainted. It wasn't just him that gave me that kick anymore. It wasn't just me and him waking up in a hotel room, because now there were three in this.
"Your timing is impecably ridiculous," I worded finally.
My hands desperately found my face and wound through my caramel hair.
"True," He agreed with a small chuckle before becoming gravely serious again, "But I need you to understand that I'm not walking away from you because the way that you're looking at me now tells me not to leave. I will fight for you Eppy," He murmured before whispering, "Like I should have years ago," Although I wasn't sure if I was meant to hear that.
"I don't really like the idea of picking between two men," I grimaced, my tone slightly acidic as I stared at the grey pavement.
"It's my fault," He sighed as he shifted closer towards me - thighs brushing.
"No it's not." I stated almost angrily.
My eyes instantly flickered into his as it dawned how close to me he was now. This wasn't anyones fault, it was just fates sick way of attempting to play cupid. Even if he had said that he wanted me on that fateful Monday morning, I still would have bumped into Alex outside the coffee shop. Thus that feeling returning. Fate was a bitch.
That's all I have at the moment, it's further on in the story so I haven't actually reached it yet but if I didn't write it down I would have forgotten about it. Haha.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Craft Me Like A Work Of Art.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Monday, 20 July 2009
Long time comin'
It seems that I am losing sleep.
At least now, this past week - it would seem.
I close my eyes and your face is imprinted in the front of my mind.
Strange as it is, I enjoy the buzz. But the lack of sleep...
It's finally catching up with me.
Notice now?
Sunday, 19 July 2009
I was walking through a backstreet in Worcester today. It was funny because I'd been up there hundreds of times before, but this time something was different. Right next to it they're building this huge apartment complex for the new university housing, so ringing it is a huge white walled fence. Worcester being Worcester - some kids graffiti it.
Usually that stereotype 'chav' would come to mind at something like that...but not today. I mean, some of it was sprawled in slurs along the lines of 'Dean 4 Chelsea' or whatever. Ya' know - usual teenage crap. As I walked along the path with my ipod blasting, for some reason, the words stood out like poetry. There were paragraphs of opinionated words all over the wall and it was inspiring. The words stood out for that one split second - like my graphics product teacher had said our coursework was supposed to do so.
Screw fame and all that mediocre crap, real meaning lies in the streets. And I hate to admit to it but the least suspecting people do make sense.
Friday, 17 July 2009
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Trials and terminations.
At the moment we shall test the fear of heights, apparently. I'm walking on a high wire, to look down would be stupid because my stomach will twist into the third knot and I shall fall. It's a pity though, I mean, that would be a gutsy way to go - with the loss of fear and all rationality. But no, here I stand - or sit - waiting for a foot to slip and to send me on a fall down onto the abyss of the cold hard ground.
Where’s the safety net?
Monday, 13 July 2009
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Oh deaaar.
Oh its happened again, I can't get enough of Alex Davies' voice.

My retaliation - theres tents to shelter in and if i lose my voice I'll take a notepad, happy? Pfft parents.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Wait another week
Hello friend,
I feel like stringing up a poetic sentance but I'm too tired to do so. On the plus side though, I'm ill, with possible flu - and since we're all going to die in the fall - if you get it now the chances are you won't. But if everything you cared about died would you want to be alive? Hmmm...
So yeah, my Dad thinks I've got swine flu. I doubt it, but my throats on fire and I can't breath properly and you know - flu stuff. Its probably just a bad chest. Doctors soon I suppose.
Oh and I heard about panics break up. Don't dwell on it in my opinion. Brendon is a musical god, I mean he has a wonderful voice and Spencer can keep a beat going for hours. I'm not that gutted because nthe last record didn't hit any sugar for me. So hopefully this will be a taking back sunday moment.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Photos from the Minor gig.
Oh and the quality has obviously been reduced since the pictures are much smaller than they should be and the files are massive. Just explaining why they arent so great on here. For all god knows how many, search me on facebook - Helen Drew.
Summer, Man.
This year, since it's such a long summer, I am going to set myself some goals that I need to meet supposedly. It doesn't really matter if I don't meet them cause some of them might not be possible to meet but you know.
- To complete more than half of 'The guardian of the night' project. So this would roughly be about ten chapters plus but I think if I actually sat down and did it I'd probably get it done really quickly.
- To go and see Elliot Minor again, whether it means simply booking tickets or going to a HMV signing. For my personal happiness I need to do this. Ah Mr Davies :)
- To learn every Elliot Minor song of my electric guitar.
- To get a stinking job.
- Go to birmingham again cause its freaking awesome there.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Minor ftw.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Didn't it?
I fell in love with everything you said,
Too bad I didn't notice, that, the sea had swept me away.
The words were always just hollow birds.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Has to be done.
RIP Micheal Jackson.
It's fair to say that without your inspiration the music that we jam to today would not be of the quality it is. Honesty, one of the greatest musical inspirations of the 21st century.
There will only ever be one Fred Astaire, Elvis Presley and only one Micheal Jackson.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
I can't think how to begin to phrase this thought. How strange? But yet this feels like something that is apparent to everyone everywhere - even if you don't like me.
In this life time it seems to be true that many people often say that we, as one person, are only one half of another and somewhere for the chosen of us there is that perfect otherhalf. I've always believed in that - and I know that if something that good strikes me down then I have pure solidarity. But then if it doesn't then thats life. To be more specific to the point though, the reason behind this blog is the journey to finding that. Now I'm not sure if this is just me, although it probably isn't, but in this cortex we each carry inside even after a feeling has left us for some reason theres this sweet nectar still lingering. Of course, this is for everyone - jesus christ - that would be tiring!
But even though we try so hard to hide our dread - our inner most fears - we still persevere in them anyway and persevering is just as bad as failing on certain occassions. This fear though for some reason beyond the idea of being eaten alive and all the pain that comes along with every glance, we still torture anyway. Sometimes it would be easier to live alone?
Sometimes how it would but the road we walk never runs smooth. And now my heads going all spirrally so I'm going to bed.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Lol at your failure
You've all officially slaughtered Twilight.
Your destroying Elliot Minor.
And...your killing every kind of good music.
I mean, you actual fool - comparing radio head to Hannah Gaytana. To be honest - shes a plastic barbie and radiohead are just awesome.
Ftw with 'satanic' music ;)
A snippet :)
Requiem (snippet)
It was about half past ten when Hayner took off from home. The soft Saturday sun wept from the sky and gave grace to the soft lands surrounding Abberly. Days like today were that of which invited the premeditated flaunts of spring into the imprints of most minds in the area. Some thought about the money tourism would bring, others thought about the experiences that the warm weather would give, but Hayner – well he couldn’t think.
Young Maple trees lined the paths that let into the deep forest thicket on the north eastern side of the town. However warm it was today – Hayner was aware that few people would bother hiking around here after the past circumstances. It was still like a comatose dream to the boy, the news articles and the words in the wind; nothing seemed real because in reality every segment of every memory was in the surreal aspect that it wasn’t believable. It was like a dream from the night before, when you can remember parts but yet some sections are so dark – so terrifying – that it throws all true prospective out of the water. Yet – it was all truth, hand on heart.
The town was in the distance as the boy continued to track at an even pace towards the large array of greens and browns. Rather than having stone paved walkways, the paths around here were worn in dirt from the hundreds of uses in the past. The thick rogue grass crept onto the side of the channel at times but there was never a section were the dirt was disturbed from its harmony. The odd daffodil crop etched into the grass – the wonderful shades of yellow softened the texture and wove with the occasional buttercup. Both were ready for the young mothers and children of Abberly to harvest. The yellows seemed to disappear though, as the trail led further into the forest. Light was stolen from the skeleton limbs of the oak trees and the thick smell of damp wood replaced the softer of spring pollen. Hayner didn’t seem to mind as he marched – his head drew to the floor infront of him – and only did he look up when the path split off into two separate directions.
For those who weren’t aware of the deep forest on the north eastern side of Abberly, you would cease to know what it held within. Now like any human curiosity, exploring, is something that many – young and old – enjoy to seek. Here in the thicket lay an array of wildlife from beautiful little rabbits to disease ridden foxes. In between the shadows of the trees and the underlay of the heather bushes predators lay patiently waiting for their dinner to fall into their skilfully planned traps. Heather lined between trees everywhere making it prime from the damp to form – it was perfect for a parasites den. Nature wasn’t always beautiful.
The boy was slowing in his trail now as the soft lapping of rushing water echoed from beyond the distance. The splashes and the spills rimmed from the large rocks and turns that meandered in the river, it cut through the further side of the forest. Hayner halted as he found the paths disappear.
“Wrong turning,” He muttered with a sharp tone.
The voice awoke at the first sound the boy had made in at least an hour. The haunting howl of laughter rippled around the cells inside his head. A grimace folded across his face as the piercing tone rippled around his mind. In that spot, right there, he would have passed out.
“I refuse to give you the honour,” He bit hard against the soft spring wind.
Another howl of laughter forced along the membrane – grimace in hand – Hayner shook his head potently. It dawned on him then that coming out here could have possibly been a very bad idea. Without the knowledge as to why or as to how this, voice, could be responsible for the countless murders that had occurred in the outskirts of Abberly – including this quaint little wood. He shuddered at the thought.
Ignoring the cackles now, Hayner moved along the grassy edge of the reasonably wide river. He attempted not to think of his chances if he were to fall into the deep waters or even what those deep waters held – insisting – he grasped onto a branch of the tree. It was sharp under his paw, as he dug on harder he felt it scratch at the surface of his skin, allowing the blood to ooze slightly from the thinnest layer. His mind was too busy to care. For one he was focusing away from the cold voice, and for two he was aiming his direct current of thoughts onto the dead log that was resting on either side of the river. It was a perfect bridge. In a swift movement Hayner darted his palm from the sharp branch and onto the damp limb. The blood from the cuts previously kissed from the branch mixed with the wet dirt lingering along the log, he whimpered slightly as the adrenalin drained and the true depth of the cuts sunk in. Biting back the pain he clasped onto the limb with all strength – crouched like a monkey – he pulled himself over the lapping waters. Not once did he look down for the fear would probably cause him to fall. As he lowered himself eagerly off the log at the opposite side he threw away the tremors his muscles had gained and stared triumphantly at the feat he had successfully overcome. Out of the corner of his eye something swung - hanging in the wind off the oak tree was a rope swing that bounced freely in the wind. Panic ran through him then – he prayed, oh so prayed that the children that created that did not come here this year. Especially at night, the thought of what would wait them was unbearable as he sighed slightly.
“That was pathetic,” The voice mocked, finally breaking its icy silence inside his head.
Every segment in Hayner’s brown eyes widened as the voice trilled through his body, and then he continued walking.
“This is even more pathetic!” The voice was laughing manically now. Not a single nerve was left unwrapped from the lacy voice. The forest rushed past Hayner as he ran quicker, hastily picking up the pace. He ignored the sights flashing past his eyes – the pinks merged hand in hand with the browns and greens. It was like someone had placed everything inside the forest into a blender. The music the voice played was cold but yet invited as it snarled in pleasure at the new found speed of pace. It had the tonality of a soft minor chord as the icy ringlets of age rolled over the cracks that were once there.
Don't steal :)
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Midtown to Downtown
- There's this feeling I can't seem to shake off.
- Nevermind my mind.
- My own personal brand of herion.
- New York City blues.
- The silent song (You and Me)
- Honey, you don't have to stay.
- Old habits die hard.
- 21
- Beauty and the beast
- Don't let me down.
- Heading back east.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
The Silent Song.
I've officially written the first chapter of my new project.
Well it's not exactly the first chapter because it picks up somewhat half way through the story. I'm still very proud of what I've written. The chapters called 'requiem' and personally I think it's bloody awesome.

Monday, 15 June 2009
My stuff.
I think it's time for something new on here; so I've decided to do one blog every week or so on stuff I think that everyone should go and check out.
For a start I've been listening to a lot of music that I had blaring through my ears about three or four years ago. It was around the time when I really got into music and listening to this stuff now - it still sounds are great as it did back then. But theres two albums that are on my top 25 on itunes at the moment.

Also, conveniently, today is the day that Clandestine are releasing the highly anticipated 'Clandy Crunch' line - which is basically a made up breakfast cereal. That companies come along way from the orginal line. One of my favourite hoodies though, has to be said, the most recent 'Valentine' themed. It was made for Pete's kid 'Bronx' and was also the first hoodie in the Jenson series. It also happens to be my favourite.

And finally - anyone that is aware of my love toward horror movies will be aware that lately with the release of 'drag me to hell' its clear there has been decline in good horror movies. In fact, the last time I saw a horror film that genuinely scared me was 'stephen kings IT' and thats one hell of a old movie. Anyway, one of the short novels in the 'books of blood' by clive barker has been made into a film, "Dread." Now, everyone has been bitching on the IMBD boards that its going to be rubbish because its going to be too different. I think not. It's going to be different because the book is only twenty pages long. Personally I think its going to be awesome.

Helen out!