Things are changing - I am changing. Or possibly reverting back to a former self you may have once known, or even not. My apologies now, I'm an idiot. That is all im gonna say.
I have found the PATD love again. Brendon's voice is so soft and refreshing. All panic is love :)
Sorry for the short post my fingers in my left hand are poorly :(
Step back toward the imprint on the left side of my wrist, of how i fell in love, Years ago. I was never good with numbers but i knew a way to your heart, and I carried it closer to my chest. Thats when inspiration hit me like a bullet from A gun, and the hole you left was two lines from the end.
I fell in love with justice, but my instincts paced to hate. I'm heading back east, heading back east tonight. As a parting gift you told me how this city is a mess So now your heading back east, heading back east tonight.
When i was a child my father told me how i could be just what i want, but what i want is miles away. The flames that tangle from me, wrap a gaurd around your neck, its not my time to regret this for the pain.
I fell in love with justice, but my instincts paced to hate. I'm heading back east, heading back east tonight. As a parting gift you told me how this city is a mess So now your heading back east, heading back east tonight.
You better lie in the mogue, there is a bed waiting The one you made for yourself, yeah, It was drenched in the fumes from the patience of the late. You better lie in the morgue, there is a bed waiting, (Don't you send me back on my own) Whilst you bury me, yeah (Don't send me back...) I can't comprehend... (In the end)
I fell in love with justice, but my instincts paced to hate. (Don't you send me back on my own) I'm heading back east, heading back east tonight. (All I need to know is I don't need a ride from you.) As a parting gift you told me how this city is a mess So now your heading back east, heading back east tonight.
Don't you send me back on my own, All I need to know is I don't need a ride from you.
Me, myself and I. Don't like it? Fair enough, but i never asked for opinions anyway right? Gigigigigigig soon :)
Sunday is the day of rest. So today, like every other sunday, i'm having a jama day xD
Anyway, this blog is different. 25 things about yours truly.
1. My middle name is Alice and i would much rather it was my forname. 2. I was given my first and favourite guitar when i was eight years old. 3. I have a ganglion on my right wrist called Herbert. 4. I am very accident prone. 5. I always leave things until the last minute. 6. My favourite colour is bright blue. 7. My favourite band ever is Fall out boy followed by Elliot Minor (: 8. I am willing too pay stupid amounts of money for food imported from america and everytime we visit selfridges in birmingham the donut stand always gets me. 9. I think American Dad is ten times funnier than Family Guy, but the simpsons owns all. 10. In year 7 i found drain pipes 'dodgy.' (Good times Tashy) 11. No matter how lame it is, I adore Digimon. 12. I'm a bit of a gamer? 13. I used to have a Ferret called Fatty, he was the most awesome pet I had, I loved him to bits. 14. I couldn't live in a city I'd get too clastrophobic, I love the countryside too much. 15. I am addicted to Clandestine Industries. 16. Is how old I am (: 17. I'm far too nice for my own good. 18. I am petrified of snakes, thunder and heights. 19. I miss Nottingham times :( 20. My cousin Hollie-Jade scares the living daylight out of me, but i still love her. 21. Yoshi is my hero, the little green guy makes me lol and hes an amazing fighter. 22. My first holiday abroad was to barbados. 23. The Chase Highschool put me off art. 24. It amazes me how calm Robert Pattinson is with all the attention he gets now, poor guy. 25. Whenever i write songs they never really mean anything too me until I sing them on my red acoustic where everything seems to just fit into place.
Oddly after that i now know myself better. I just remembered the time Sophie, Tashy. Hollie and I went to Warwick Castle that one summer and we were by the river and sophie fell in. It was hilarious. I probably sound mean but it was only shallow, and there was an eel in it! Eww. Too snakey aha. But yeah, then this guy dropped his walking stick in from the bridge. Bless him.
Anyway back to my graphics, I've almost finished I have the development and the flowchart left to do :) Fuck the mock model i am not getting stressed by that again xD
Oh Glory. Today my chums i have that warm feeling back in my chest, it no longer rattles with a prolonged silence. I am alive again. I owe so much to this world but then it folds down to so little. Am i making sense? Probably not, because i am growing up.
This summer is the verge of something new, call it cliched, but this summer (that happens to be the longest we will ever endure) holds the pathways and the doors to so many new prospects that our lives have slowly been building the momentum up until now. Introductions of new and Discoveries of old, anything could happen. I am most certainly looking forward to the summer. Friends, family - The soon to be newest Drew family member the promised dog i am aquiring in may. But to get there, theres a slight obstacle of everything else. Like nothing else in life its never easy. Before I shall get my puppy i must remember that man who made my childhood its own. I remember everyday but May 4th is gonna be harder than anything else that i come across this year.
But anyway, lets move back to present day shall we?
The Sky box broke last night so now i won't be able to watch the beautiful Robert Pattinson go and present an award at the oscars. Youtube just isn't the same.Anyway talking of Rob, how wierd do his eyes look in this picture? Lovely though ;)
Coursework update, i finally finished that godforsakened model for my graphics. It looks terrible and it doesnt even fit together properly! But i refuse to do it again, i have better things to do with my time! Anyway biology analysis calls and so does that stupid physics impossible shiz. And CSI:NY yayyy! Life is good :)
A Little birdie told me that something major is happening in CSI:NY in three weeks time. Not only is Peter Wentz appearing it (At some point)
Danny and Lindsay are getting married! This has been the best season ever! Gahhh
Today has been that of an interesting one. I've never wanted to drive a scapel into the freezer so much before. Its taken me what? 6 hours to get my graphics done? Gahhh. And i'm no where near finished. Oh well. Im off to worcester tomorow to take some pictures with my parents. Anyone wanna meet up? Lol...its a little short notice, so no actually. I take that back.
Bah, i think you can guess what im doing this weekend? (Retorical question children)
How i wish for this constant nagging to end. Its driving a hole into the side of me, this is all just shit. Period. And with use of that word its obvious i have been watching way too many american sitcoms. Fun stuff.
Spring used to be simple. It never used to consist of complicated feelings that I can't even imagine to attempt to understand. It never consisted of a writers block so severe that the words i befriend themselves. And it never consisted of this much coursework... Spring used to be simple.
At least, here i am, writing a new blog which is a fresh. Incase you didn't know my name is Helen and this is my lame excuse of an introduction.
Blogs are like a release of pent up stress right? So hopefully now i won't be so peed off all the time :)